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District 9MC
52 Years of Service -- Chartered March 30, 1972
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L-R Judy Johnson, Fred Fricke, Mary Halstead, Mayor Bill Roberts, Rick Ross, Pres. Hazel Fricke
L-R Judy Johnson, Fred Fricke, Mary Halstead, Mayor Bill Roberts, Rick Ross, Pres. Hazel Fricke

On an icy evening the week before Christmas, several of the Mitchellville Lions and Mayor Bill Roberts presented Rick Ross with a certificate as winner of the 2013 Mitchellville Lions Club Christmas Decorating Contest. Tune your car radio to 95.5 FM when you drive past 111 3rd St. NE and you will hear the music. Mr Ross personally programs 80 strings of multicolored lights strung as Christmas trees to blink in time with music which plays over radio band 95.5 FM. "I am beginning to see that Mitchellville has residents with hidden talents that we would not otherwise know about if not for this contest", said one of the Lions. Next year, Mr Ross hopes to add several more "trees" to the other side of his yard.

Recently our club awarded the Iowa Lions Foundation Warren Coleman Award to Past-President Maggie Stout, Past-President Sharon Kooyman, and Past-President Judy Johnson in recognition for their years of commitment and dedication to serving their community through their involvement in the Lions organization. All three Lions have been very active in all of the club activities. Below PID Gary Fry presents them with the Warren Colman Award.

Immediate Past President Maggie Stout Immediate Past President Maggie Stout
As President, Lion Maggie Stout, among many other things, expanded coordination of our Club with the elementary school and its programs as well as increasing the visibility of the club in the community by reminding members to wear their red Lions’ shirts.

Programs & Past President Sharon Kooyman Programs & Past President Sharon Kooyman
Currently serving as Programs Chairperson, Lion Sharon Kooyman is in charge of finding programs for club meetings and has enthusiastically provided exceptional programs for several years.

Webmaster & Past President Judy Johnson Webmaster & Past President Judy Johnson
In addition to helping to develop and administer the Yard of the Month Program and the Christmas Decorating Contest, both Mitchellville Lions Club projects, Lion Judy Johnson is currently the webmaster and has served in this position ever since the Iowa Lions websites were made available.

The Warren Coleman Award
The Warren Coleman award is given to the Lions Club member who exemplifies the highest standards of Lionism and community volunteerism. The award is named in honor of longtime Executive Secretary-Treasurer Warren Coleman, who was dedicated to the Iowa Lions Foundation and the programs which it supports. This award is presented to deserving Lions who demonstrate community service, and can only be made possible by a contribution of $1,000 to the Iowa Lions Foundation by a club or group supporting the honorary.

Front L to Rt: Club Pres. Maggie Stout, Mark McCoun, Cindy McCoun, Mayor Bill Roberts. Back L to Rt:  Lions Mary Halstead, Ned Stout, Jim Appleget, Kris May.
Front L to Rt: Club Pres. Maggie Stout, Mark McCoun, Cindy McCoun, Mayor Bill Roberts. Back L to Rt: Lions Mary Halstead, Ned Stout, Jim Appleget, Kris May.

Mitchellville Mayor Bill Roberts (right) and Mitchellville Lions Club President Maggie Stout (left) present the September Yard of the Month certificate to Mark and Cindy McCoun of 306 Center Street. “Residents like Mark and Cindy continue to help Mitchellville shine during this hot dry summer,” noted President Stout. “Thanks to all who nominated yards this year. We’ll begin accepting nominations May 1 for the 2013 awards.” Information about the program is available from any Lions member and at the club web site under the Club Activities tab.

August 2012 Yard of the Month Announced
August 2012 Yard of the Month Announced
Mitchellville Lions club has awarded the August Yard of the Month to Jack Vermie and Holly Swartzbaugh at106 6th Street NW. According to Maggie Stout, club president, this attractive landscape makes Mitchellville shine and welcomes visitors from I-80 to the city.

Nominations for the September Yard of the Month close August 20. For more information about the recognition, pick up a flyer at city hall. To make a nomination visit the club website at www.iowalions.org/mitchellville or contact Maggie Stout at maggie.stout@msn.com.

Be sure to click on the Club Activities Tab for the flyer and additional information
To see and print the Mitchellville Lions Club Yard of the Month flyer and for additional information, see the Club Activities.

It was nearly impossible to choose just one Christmas decoration so the Mitchellville Lions Club selected two. “There were many decorations that were outstanding but we had to limit it to just two.” said one of the Lions. The selected decorations were, in no particular order, Everett & Mary Gregory at 408 Market Ave SW and Tony & Amerist Chambers at 103 4th St NW. Lions Club members and the Mitchellville Mayor presented a certificate of recognition signed by their President, Maggie Stout, and the Mayor, Bill Roberts. Pictures of the presentation and the decorations are on the Lions Club website at http://iowalions.org/mitchellville.

Residents commented that there were many more decorations this year and the Lions were glad to see that the community really got behind this event. Allsups Pumpkinville provided a hayrack ride though town on the evening of December 8 for residents to see the decorations and the SE Polk Leo Club helped with the hayrack and with serving hot chocolate, warm cider, and cookies at the Methodist Church to riders.

Lion Maggie Stout Receives Key Award Lion Maggie Stout Receives Key Award
On July 10, 2012, Lion Jim Appleget presented Lion Maggie Stout with the Membership Key Award. Membership Key Awards recognize individual Lions who invite new members. A Lion can earn their first membership key by inviting two new members and may earn up to seventeen keys. Each key is designed to reflect the number of new members a Lion has sponsored.

Colfax-Mingo Lions Club Charter Night
April 30, 2011, 10 members of the Mitchellville Lions Club, the sponsoring club, attended the Colfax-Mingo Lions Club Charter Night and Banquet at the Howard Street Christian Church. The buffet meal, presented by the Howard Street Christian Church Disciples of Christ Ladies, was really good. Opening remarks were made by District Governor Boyd A. Sparks, who was also the MC for the evening. Jim Appleget had a little trouble presenting Colfax-Mingo with their new gavel and bell because they had not arrived yet. So he improvised with our gavel and with a tiny bell - which you can see in the pictures. All were welcomed by Colfax-Mingo Lions Club President Joe Steenhoek. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Halstead and the Invocation was given by Pastor of the Howard Street Christian Church, Pastor Tom Burns. Just before dinner, introductions were made by DG Boyd A. Sparks and Council Chair Jerry R. Roland. During the dinner, Sydney McLaughlin, beautifully sang several songs. Guest speaker, PIDG Dave Stouffer gave a speech about how tiny drops of water can't do much by themselves but, when they get together, they have a powerful force for good. This was very appropriate for the Colfax-Mingo Lions Club because it was the Lions Club response and help during their flood of 2010 that resulted in the formation of this new Lions Club! PID and State Administrator Gary Fry administered the oath to the Charter Members who were present. Then the Charter Members lined up to sign the Charter which was then presented to President Joe Steenhoeck by Council Chair Jerry R. Roland. State Administrator had a problem similar to Jim Appleget when he presented the club with their new banner - he had to point out the invisible banner because it, too, had not arrived in time. Then there was a presentation of awards. President Joe Steenhoeck and Treasurer Randi Beard were presented with Gifts including monetary gifts and the club's American Flag (parts of which had not arrived either!). Judy Hancome, who is a candidate for International Director, spoke a few words. Ending the evening, we all sang "God Bless America".

Jim Appelget Presents Colfax-Mingo President Joe Steenhoek With a  Gavel Jim Appelget Presents Colfax-Mingo President Joe Steenhoek With a Gavel

Guest Speaker PIDG Dave Stoufer Guest Speaker PIDG Dave Stoufer

Colfax-Mingo Members Take the Oath led by PID Gary Fry Colfax-Mingo Members Take the Oath led by PID Gary Fry

Colfax-Mingo Members Sign the Charter Colfax-Mingo Members Sign the Charter

June 2010 Annual Dog Show June 2010 Annual Dog Show
This year we had a dog show which included non-traditional dogs. Actually, it was dogs that weren't real live dogs. There were many entries and Jim is holding one which he and Sharon submitted which was one of the winners.

Bruce Hayden with hot dog Bruce Hayden with hot dog

Dalmation Casserole! Dalmation Casserole!

Steve demonstating the versatility of their entry by using the Dog Casserole parts as a mask Steve demonstating the versatility of their entry by using the Dog Casserole parts as a mask

Dog Cookies Dog Cookies

Hot Dog Octopuses or is it Octopi? Hot Dog Octopuses or is it Octopi?

Hot Dog Chateaubriand Hot Dog Chateaubriand

Left-Right:  Jim, Hazel, Sharon, Mary, Steve, and Mike Left-Right: Jim, Hazel, Sharon, Mary, Steve, and Mike

Jerry Rolland with one of the real dogs Jerry Rolland with one of the real dogs

Michelle Rolland with one of the real dogs Michelle Rolland with one of the real dogs

Jodi with her entry - Rice Crispy Dogs Jodi with her entry - Rice Crispy Dogs

The Johnson families creating their hot dog entries The Johnson families creating their hot dog entries

Reuben Dog Reuben Dog

Rice Krispie Hot Dogs Rice Krispie Hot Dogs

Closeup of one of the Winners - The Romantic Hot Dogs Closeup of one of the Winners - The Romantic Hot Dogs

1st Annual Mitchellville Lions Club Mardi Gras Party Febraury 22, 2010
1st Annual Mitchellville Lions Club Mardi Gras Party Febraury 22, 2010
Purple, green, and gold lights met the Mitchellville Lions Club when they arrived at home of Lion Judy Johnson and her husband, Leon, for a Mardi Gras Party on the night of Monday, February 22, 2010. Leon was the master chef of the evening and cooked up a Cajun storm for us. Served over rice was Leon's gumbo made with local chicken and with andouille sausage flown in from Louisiana. On the side was both alligator and pork boudin (also flown in from Louisiana) which we spread on saltine crackers. Judy had made a King Cake for the occasion - although tradition says that you cannot make a King Cake unless it is between Twelfth Night and Mardi Gras! King cake is basically a brioche made into a wreath shape with a cream cheese concoction for filling inside. The cake is drizzle with white icing and then covered with sections of purple, green, and gold sprinkles. A mixture of Cajun and Dixieland Jazz was playing quietly in the background. We held our regular meeting after dinner. Most of the club was there for the party and there were two guests, Judy's neighbors Roger Bishop and David Laurtzen. Everyone enjoyed the evening and left full and in high spirits.

Leon makes gumbo and rice Leon makes gumbo and rice

Judy Makes the King Cake Judy Makes the King Cake

Sharon-Jim-Bruce-Mary Sharon-Jim-Bruce-Mary

Mary-Fred Mary-Fred

Judy-Joann-Gary-Roger Judy-Joann-Gary-Roger

Maggie Stout Presented with a certificate for
Maggie Stout Presented with a certificate for "Best Chili Maker"
Maggie Stout shows off her certificate for "Best Chili Maker" for the wonderful chili she made for the Election Night Soup Supper.

Sharon shows Leos how to Bunny Hop at Mid-Winter Conference
Sharon shows Leos how to Bunny Hop at Mid-Winter Conference
Left to right: Leos Kelsy Evans & Blair Adams, Sharon Kooyman

July 19, 2007 Bruce Hayden receives Warren Coleman Award July 19, 2007 Bruce Hayden receives Warren Coleman Award
The Iowa Lions Foundation Warren Coleman Honorary Award was presented to the club's immediate Past President Bruce Hayden.

The Warren Coleman Honorary Award is the Iowa Lions Foundation's highest award for dedication and service to the works of the Foundation. Lion Bruce's wife, daughter and son-in-law were present for the presentation.

2013 Christmas Party at Hilltop
2013 Christmas Party at Hilltop

Hazel & Fred Fricke, Joann & Gary Fry, Ted Hubert
Hazel & Fred Fricke, Joann & Gary Fry, Ted Hubert

Ned & Maggie Stout, Kris May
Ned & Maggie Stout, Kris May

Jim Appleget, Sharon Kooyman, Judy Johnson
Jim Appleget, Sharon Kooyman, Judy Johnson

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