Minutes 10-1-21018
The regular meeting of the Winterset Lions Club met at the Sports Page Restaurant and was called to order at 6:30 PM on Monday, October 1, 2018, by President Terry McNeley. America by Karen Johnson, the Pledge of Allegiance by Bev Rhoads, and invocation by Hal Jackson. Guests were Judy Trask, Connie Tadlock, and Jeff Olson, Pharmacist from Montross Pharmacy. Jeff was also our speaker for the evening. Roll call was recorded. There were no minutes from the previous meeting and there was no treasurer's report. Guest Jeff Olson told us about a new program, Pharmacogenetics, being adopted by many pharmacies. This program, by way of a cheek swab for DNA, will make medicines 'more personal' by determining, from the patient's DNA, those medications that will or won't work the best for each person. Everyone agreed it's quite amazing what science is able to do. In old business, Dick Hoadly made a motion that the club donate $1200 to the Winterset Library to fund the 1st purchase of a series of audio books, VOX. These books will help many people on many different levels. Motion was seconded, and then carried. Hal mentioned that everyone needs to be aware of the upcoming Covered Bridge Festival and the club's parade duties as in years past. The parade will start at 2pm at the High School, and will follow its annual route. Linda Duff will be contacting members to remind them of their 'assigned places' for traffic control again this year. The Boy Scouts could also be helping us with traffic control. In more old business, Denny Jurgens told the club that MATURA asked us to help with the Thanksgiving boxes again this year. However, MATURA's hand out date for the boxes is the same night as our annual soup supper. No other time would work for MATURA for the box handouts, so the club had to decline helping this year. Too many club members will be making soup, setting up the tables, etc at the church, and most of those folks are the ones who always help with the boxes. Linda Duff presented an invoice for reimbursement for the pocket aprons and the shopping totes that the club had agreed to purchase. These items will be used basically for our White Cane Day collection event when members stand at the North 4-way stop and collect cash for White Cane Day. They may come in handy at other events as well. Lion Linda also gave a short summary of the USA/Canada Forum that she attended, along with Lion Sheri Holliday. She also briefly explained Campaign 100, spoke briefly about National Diabetes Day coming up on November 14 and gave ideas of things the club could do to promote this day of awareness, and also advised the club that she had gained permission to update the club's website on the Iowa Lions Website. Lion "Tad" Tadlock reported that 139 kids were screened for KidsSight around Madison County! Our 9SW District Meeting will be held in Mt Ayr on November 10th this year. Please put that on your calendars and plan to attend! The next regular club meeting will be October 15th at the Sports Page at 6:30. Lion Linda D tail twisted. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Linda Duff Pinch Hitting for Secretary Sheri Holliday